Comments on: Endocannabinoids vs. Phytocannabinoids Handcrafted High Quality CBD Products Mon, 04 Nov 2024 21:23:37 +0000 hourly 1 By: mm Sun, 26 May 2019 06:18:23 +0000 In reply to Peter Simmons.

Phytocannabinoids are the molecules found in the cannabis plant. Endocannabinoids are the receptors that are activated by THC and other similar molecules. Molecules that activate these receptors are not naturally produced by the body. The saliva test picks up on the metabolites produced in the body after ingesting cannabis, typically THCa, the carboxylic acid derivative of THC. This is just a preliminary test, as there are other molecules that can produce a false positive for the THC saliva test. If the saliva test is positive for THC, a second confirmatory test must be performed in order to produce a conviction. The preliminary test is inexpensive and can be done very quickly. The confirmatory test is more expensive, more time consuming, and generally requires someone with a chemistry degree to perform. This is why the confirmatory test is not done first.

By: Infinite CBD Mon, 24 Sep 2018 16:51:00 +0000 In reply to Peter Simmons.

Phytocannabinoids are derived from plants while endocannabinoids are found internally in the body. And thank you for the feedback about the text, we will look into this!

By: Peter Simmons Wed, 19 Sep 2018 09:57:25 +0000 I keep wondering how the so-called cannabis saliva test fro drivers differentiates between phytocannabinoids and andocannabinoids. I can’t find any mention of any differences, and both act on the same receptors, but how does the saliva test tell the difference, or is it just detecting cannabinoids? If this were the case no test sgould result in convictions since it could be measuring the body’s own cannabinoids.
PS Your web designer must have better eyesight than me, I’m struggling to read anything printed in pale beige, a recent ‘trend’ among designers which makes reading and comprehension difficult. Surely the whole purpose of text is to be read and understood? Preferebly without straining eyes and giving a headache? Initially I cxouldn’t see the Name and Email fields below until told to fill them in. PLEASE make the text dark enough to see!
